How would SBI promote my website?

by Mariam

I know you must have come across this question a lot.

But, Really; Can you please explain that if I build my website and obviously, there are different ways of building traffic to your website and that would be if you are promoting your website through sites like Youtube, etc.

But, how would actually SBI really promote my website for me?


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by: Kate


Sbi doesn't promote your website for you but it does make your site stand out by informing the search engines everytime you build a new page or update it. If you build a site yourself you have to do this manually each time but with sbi this id done automatically.

Plus the way sbi teaches you to build your site helps make your pages more likely to be found by the search engines and to appear higher up the ranking. this is done by choosing the right keywords and page layout etc which sbi teaches you to do. A tool helps you to asses each page you build so that you build it in the best way possible.

I don't know if you have viewed the sbi videos which helps to explain all of this better. The videos etc are what convinced me ti use sbi and that was over seven years ago. I now have four sbi built websites.

This link will take you to the videos

best wishes Kate

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