I am a new when it comes to cats please help

by Luci
(Florida; USA)

When we first got her

When we first got her

Hello; i was wondering if anyone could help. im new to owning a cat. ive always been a dog person but about 4 months ago i found this beautiful ad for this baby cat and i fell in love with her. She didnt have anything wrong; ive treated her for fleas and worms and such. Recently she has started crying and purring and lifting her bottom in the air. I don't know what it can be and since i work all day during the day haven't had a chance to take her to the vet. can someone tell me whats wrong. ive checked again for worms but found none. in her poo or anywhere else. She Just whines and pokes her bottom out? Serious or just in heat?? please help.

Answer by Kate

yes it very much sounds like she is in heat. At her age this is about the time that she would start to come into sexually maturity.

My advice would be to book her in to be spayed. She will be a much happier and more content cat and you won't have to worry about unwanted pregnancies etc.

i have a page here on the site all about cat spayed etc and why it has so many benefits.
here is the page


Best wishes Kate

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