is it safe for kittens to nurse

by monica
(kingston tn)

i adopted two 7 week old kittens and i had a queen at home that recently lose her kittens i put fles medicine on the queen then a week later the kittens started nursing can it hurt them if yes what do i do and they have developed sneezing help

Answer by Kate
I always recommend that when someone adopts such young cats that they take them to the vets for a routine checkup. Ans considering that the kittens are sneezing it could be that they may have cat flu and this can be very dangerous for such young cats. So a vets visit really is advisable as soon as possible.

As for the flea treatment and the nursing I would have thought that it was Ok for the kittens to nurse but again check with your vet when you visit to be on the safe side. Young kittens like this can get ill very easily and if not cared for promptly can unfortunately die.

I hope the little guys are better soon

best wishes kate

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