Is my Cat ill?

Lucy Lu

Lucy Lu

I was wondering if you could help me? I am not sure if I should take my cat to the vet. Two days ago my cat was running around like normal and just ran upstairs and under the bed. She does come out and will come rub against me but then goes right back under the bed. She hardly ate or went to the bathroom yesterday. Today she seems a little better and is coming out more. She did pee and also ate some food. I am just totally confused what is going on.

Thank you so much.

Answer by Kate
Well the behaviour you described could simply be that your cat has either A been frightened by something or B may have a slight virus or even an hairball. Either of these could make your cat feel under the weather and want to take herself off for a while.

if I were you I would keep an eye on her for a another day and if she still is not eating properly or using the litter tray than to be on the safe side I would take her to the vets.

Best wishes Kate
P.S love the picture, she certainly looks happy there. :)

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constipation maybe?
by: Anonymous

My cat does that when she's constipated. I think you should check your cat's litter box.

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