Jackie Our Cat
by Steven
(Wilton, CT, USA)
Jackie watching her people
Jacking enjoying my daughter's bed
Jackie and Lilly as kittens in 2007
Jackie has been part of or family since May 2007.
She was a "rescue" cat; someone abandoned her mother and her siblings. The family was discovered by a dog who brought the cats home. Only Jackie and her sister Lilly survived this ordeal. We adopted Jackie and Lilly together.
Jackie appears to be a mixed breed, some siamese and some American shorthair. Over the years, she has become more vocal when we speak to her. She responds with the most delightful "trills."
Jackie loves attention and affection. She even allows me to give her belly rubs which she seem to appreciate and enjoy.
She tends to graze at her food and does not not like to eat it all at once. We have had to place her food on a chair so her sister, Lilly, did not eat it. Jackie loves cat treats, either Tuna or Chicken, She takes the initiative to ask for treats and know the door where the treats are kept.
Jackie is also a very intelligent cat; she enjoys watching her people, especially when they are involved in food preparation. However she does not care for human food, except tuna fish.
On 8/05/2018, Jackie's sister and companion since birth, Lilly, passed away due to a stroke. We were very concerned how Jackie would deal with the loss of her sister, Lilly. Jackie does not appear to be grieving. Her affection and attentions have helped her people deal with the grieving process.
Jaclie is a wonderful friend and companion.
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