
by Lisa Smalley
(Jeffersonville, IN.)

My cat has been walking funny on his back legs. He is eating well and is still able to jump up on things with no problems. He still acts like his same old self. Loves attention and to be petted. When I move his back legs around it doesn't bother him at all. He was very overweight, about 23 lbs. And has lost probably 10 lbs because we've been maintaining his food. I just can't figure out what's going on. He walks fine, but sometimes stops like he needs to rest. Please help. I'm thinking arthritis, but just not sure how to treat him. I haven't taken him to our vet yet b/c he's showing no signs of discomfort and still acting completely normal. Plays with our other cats and jumps on our bed to sleep with us everynight. He's still able to jump from the floor to our counter and then on top of our fridge, one of his favprite lounging places. Just walking funny on back legs . HELP!

Answer by Kate
well it could be that when he had the weight on that he has caused some problems with the joints, this is not uncommon in over weight animals.

I would strongly recommend taking him to the vet anyway, simply because it may be a problem that if not treated could get worse and cause him to loose the use of that leg. Hopefully it isn't that serious and it may be a form of arthritis but again the vet needs to prescribe certain drugs for this. there are natural supplements for cats that can help to try and rebuild cartilage etc (see my page about cat arthritis here https://www.our-happy-cat.com/cat-arthritis.html) but you really do need to get a proper diagnosis first.

best wishes kate

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