kitten eating litter

by gabrielle
(new york)

what does it mean when my 3 week old kitten is eating her litter ?

Answer by Kate
Hi well this is definately not normal and also not good either.

It could mean that either this litter has a particulaly appealing scent which is encouraging the kitten to think it is food or it could be that you have a cat who suffers from a rare condition called pica. This is a eating disorder where cats eat non food items.

Unfortunatly in cases of pica there is not much you can do but try and keep them away from things that they try to eat difficult with litter). perhaps you could try a diferent sort of litter to see if that stops the behavior.

Keep an eye on your kittme to se if the litter they have eaten is passing through or not and is they are still eating their food normally. any signs of ill health shoud be checked out by a vet as soon as possible.

best wishes Kate

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