Kitten not feeling well

by Mary G

My 4 month old kitten sucks on the blankets at night. The other day I noticed he was not feeling well and vomited (yellow liquid) in the middle of the night. I found that he had sucked on the toilet paper rolls under the sink. Yesterday he would not eat much but was drinking water. Last night he vomited again and will not eat anything this morning. He fells warm to the touch so assume he has a fever.

Answer by Kate
I hope you have taken him to the vets today as kittens can be very prone to infection and illness during there first few months and they can go down hill very quickly if not treated.

There is no way for me to know what this could be and so would not like to hazard a guess. The best thing is to get a vet to see him as soon as possible in case he needs extra fluids or even antibiotics.

i hope he gets better soon best wishes Kate

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