kitten scratching carpet

by Amy Callaghan
(united kindom)

hi i have a 7 month old ragdoll kitten and she is driving me up the wall she keeps scratching at the carpet on the stairs when we go to bed i have tryed using training sprayes on the areas she is scratching and she has two scratching postes but she keeps doing it my mum now has ended up locking her in my room over night but she seams to do it at the same time 4am in the morning can you help me put a stop to it before my mum gets rid of her

this is a common issue with some cats who just love to scratch floors. unfortunately some as you have found out do not respond to scented sprays to keep them off.

My cats are the same, there is one patch of carpet just outside my bedroom door which gets scratched up.

All you can do is to either buy those flat cat scratchers and place them in the places she uses or cheap outdoor mats can be cut up and placed in those areas.

as you know the cat is either doing this to condition her claws or is trying to get your attention when shut out of a room. they are not being naughty and dont understand that the carpet is not for scratching.

Sometimes as cat owners we have to adapt our home to make it kitty proof.

best wishes kate

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