Kitten shower

by verena cao
(Beijing, China)

my kitten

my kitten


i just got this kitten 7 and a half weeks old and shes really dirty especially around the eye. do you know what causes some black stuff under the eye? and how do u give a kitten a bath? i would like to wash her as soon as possible so she wont get any dirtier.


P.S im the one who asked you if my cat will get pregnant, you'll recognize the picture.

Answer by Kate
well a small kitten would normally be kept clean by its mother until they have learned to do it for themselves.

the black stuff around the eyes may just be a build up of mucus which if the cat is not cleaning themselves properly will build up. You need to gently wipe this way with a moist tissue and warm water, no soap etc.

As for the bath well keep it simple, use a small amount of water and use it to wipe your kitten down with a cloth, don't get them soaking wet.

Normally you don't need to give a cat a bath as it can damage their fur and skin, it is normally only necessary in extreme cases where they have got something on their fur they can't get out, like oil or grease etc. the instructions in this case are here

but as I say with your kitten i think just a light wipe down is best.

best wishes Kate

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