kitten sick

by Eric van Coney
(Cincinnati, Oh)

My kitten is 8 weeks old. We took her in afater her mother cat left her. The reason i am writing today is. she is getting sick. She did so 3 times today. Today was a very hot day and my mother dose not have A.C. Before the kitten got sick she was fine she was herself. She played with my niece. And was eating an acting like herself. Then later in the after noon is when she started acting funny. She also has flees.I was just hopping maybe you could give some posibale things that could be wrong

thnak you,
Eric Van Coney

Answer by Kate
well kittens are very fragile things sometimes and their tummys can become upset easily. However having fleas can also make your kitten sick. in fact it is very important that your kitten is treated for fleas as it can cause anemia and in some cases can be fatal.

You need to buy some special flea drops for kittens to put on the back of her neck. i do not recommend a flea collar as these too can be harmful. please see this page for more information

If the sickness continues you will need to tray and get your kitten to see a vet, there are animal charities around which can help in certain situations with the cost.

At 8 weeks old your kitten is still very young indeed and will need lots of looking after. i have lots of pages about kitten care which will help you do this, here is the first one

the more you read the better you will be able to look after your pet.

best wishes Kate

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