Kitten sucking nipples

by Paula
(Torrance, CA)

I just adopted a 4 month old kitten who sucks on his nipples anytime I touch him. I think he's trying to comfort himself because he was taken from his mother too soon. What can I do to get him to stop this annoying habit?

Answer by Kate
You could try putting some lemon juice and water on them to try and make them taste nasty. Anything that will taste unpleasant but that will not harm your cat will also do the trick. he will soon learn not to do it in the future.

best wishes Kate

Comments for Kitten sucking nipples

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i have a 5 month old cat that keeps sucking on my older female cats nipples that is pregnant
by: Anonymous

Hi i have a 5 month old male cat who keeps sucking the milk out of my older female cat that is pregnant its not is mum and he keeps making them bleed what can i fo to stop him and would it affect her from feeding her babies as before she hated other cats but now she mothers all my other cats and she lets him suck on her nipples

cat suckin on my neck or clothes
by: Anonymous

If my cat likes to claw her nails on my neck nd suck around my hairline whick is very annoying should I put somethin on my body??? She also likes to suck on shirts. My cat is about 5 months....

by: Anonymous

Why would you want to stop your cat from doing something that makes him happy? My cat does this. Lots of cats do this. They do this as a result of instinct. I think it is plain mean to suggest putting lemon juice on a cat's possibly irritated skin to keep them from doing something that is entirely harmless.

well in some cases it is not harmless and can cause sores and hair loss. i think that was the point, if the cat is suffering from either of these then stopping the behavior is a good idea. Also it will help to stop this behavior becoming a habit throughout it's life. Kate

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