Kitty Scabs

by Sammie
(Shallotte NC USA)

I have a 13month old cat that has developed scabs around his chin and on the back of his neck. He had them a few months back but after a short time they went away and now they are back. We are really avid about taking care of fleas so I don't think that is the problem. He scratches at them and makes them worse and I tried some antibiotic cream but it didn't do anything except make him mad. I didn't think it was very serious at first, but I'd like a few ideas before I rush him to the vet, or at least to try something else before I do. Any ideas?

Answer by Kate
Hi sorry I have taken so long to answer but I have been a way for a few days.

Sounds to me like it could be an allergy of some sort or parhaps some sort of other mite which is diffcult to see. With all skin conditions like this the only answer is to get a vet to check out the skin under a microscope to see if there are any signs of mites. If not then allergies are the next options and your vet can recommend a program to try and find out what is causing the problem.

best wishes Kate

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