laying in urine

by Lisa
(Bridgeport, Oh )

I have been caring for my friends cat while he is in the hospital. I feed him his usual dry food and 1/2 can of his wet food. I always give fresh water and clean his litter daily. He was fine one day and very loving then I returned the following day and found his food has not been touched. I found Fred on the back of the couch meowing. I picked him up and noticed he was laying in his own urine. He appeared weak. I put him on the floor to see if he was able to stand on his own and he did. He licked a little wet food then went into hiding. Is he lonely without his parent at this point or do you think he has some kind of infection? He has been without his dad for approx 3 weeks and i don't know if any uti history. I can't tell his dad of his condition cause it will destroy him. what should i do?

Answer by KAte
this is tricky as it could purely be behavioural caused by him missing his owner.

As you know cats use their urine to scent their territory and the smell of it around the home also helps to comfort them. So it could be an extreme case of this although I have not heard of them actually lying it before.

if I were you to be on the safe side I would take him to the vets and have him checked over. this will serve two purposes, it will either provide treatment for any condition he may have, it will also help to put your mind at rest if nothing is physically wrong. Worrying never did anyone any good and its always better to be safe than sorry i feel.

best wishes kate

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laying in urine
by: Anonymous

Thank you for your advise. I took him to the vet and he had a UTI as well as diabetes. Poor guy had diabetes probably for years but only discovered due to his infection. He is healthy and home now after 4 nights of being in the hospital. He will now take daily insulin shots to keep his sugar down to normal. He had a blood sugar level of 405 when admitted. Normal is around 100. Thank you for your opinion as I may have considered him just being lonely and not truly sick. He is happy and playful once again!

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