Lethargic Cat after giving birth

by Cindy

My cat gave birth to kittens last weekend that we have not found. This morning her tits are extremely full of milk, she is lethargic, and feels like she is running fever. Could all these symptoms be caused from the kittens dying and her milk not drying up?

She may have a problem with her mammary glands which can become infected. However if she has had kittens and they have not survived then she will be full of milk and very uncomfortable.

telephone your vet and ask for some advice he may want to see her and may prescribe medication to help dry up the milk.

Are you sure the kittens are not just hidden somewhere. Does your cat keep disappearing off or is she staying close to home. The vet will want to make sure that the kittens are not around to be fed before he prescribes any medication for your cat.

Hope she is Ok again soon

best wishes kate

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