Midnight alias Mippy the Cat

by Jerrups
(United Kingdom)

Our Cat Midnight

Our Cat Midnight

We had a neighbours cat that came to us for many years from being a kitten, she stayed in our house for hours every day ,we even had a bed for her by the fireplace where she loved to sit, her name was Domino, and we loved her as if she was our own, my two children grew up with her.

One day she never came and my neighbour matter of factly told me she had passed away, we were so sad and missed her greatly.
A few days later we went along to the local cat rescue centre to see a cat that we had picked out on the website, she was a tuxedo cat ,black and white ,about six months old and very pretty. But sitting cuddled up next to her was the most beautiful black cat I had ever seen. Those beautiful green/yellow eyes looked into my soul and it was love at first sight. So we took them both as they were sisters and we did not want to separate them. We called the black one Midnight and the tuxedo cat we called Figaro as she looked like the carpenters cat in Disneys Pinocchio.
They brought great joy into our lives and were two little rascals and we loved them dearly.
We nicknamed Midnight "Mippy" because she never stops talking to you , and when she answers you it sounds like a mip.

About 2 weeks ago we noticed Midnight wasn't eating so much and looked thinner than normal, so we took her to the vet who checked her over and did a scan on her, then we got the awful news.
They had found a big tumour in her tummy and it was cancerous, it was wrapped around some of her vital organs and to operate would not stem the inevitable result, we were going to lose her. We are devastated and totally lost, she is at home with us, quiet and resting and we await the day we have to make that awful decision to send her over the rainbow bridge where she will be at peace.
Midnight came to me as a special gift , she was ment to be a part of my life and I am blessed that she was, even though is was for a short time, paw prints on the heart they say , never was that so true.
We still have Figaro who will miss her sister greatly, but will be showered with much love and affection for however long we have her.

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Dec 06, 2018
I feel you
by: Helen

I am sorry for your loss.

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