mother cat

by Debra

Hi, I hope you don't mind answering my question. My mother in law has a cat, it is a semi wild cat.We live in Spain and there is a huge amount of strays around. Anyway Yesterday evening Pickle the little stray gave birth to three kittens. She has them outside in a box but this morning, she moved them into my mother in laws wordrobe. Pickle has never been in the house before. Since she moved them she pops into see them for a moment or two but is mainly walking around calling. She has been fed and watered but doesn't seem to be feeding the kittens. Is this normal? I am wondering if she will settle into it as the shock wares off. She is only about nine months old herself.

The kittens are meowing quite a lot. We are concerned that they will die if she doesn't start to attend to them. How long should we leave it before we get involved.

Thanks for your help.

Answer by Kate
It is important for the kittens that they feed farly soon after being born.
The mother cat should settle down and atrt to feed them after a few hours. Try to encourage her to settle down with the kittens.

If she doesn't start to feed the kittens then unfortunately you will have to take over and this can be very hard work.

i have lots of web pages about how to look after new born kittens, which you may find of help. here is the first page

best wishes Kate

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