my burmese kitten violently meows every 2 weeks

by Rose

I have a 8 month old burmese who started violently meowing during the day but mostly at night. She stops when i call her or when i'm in view. She also lifts her bum up when im patting her and i thought she may be in heat because i haven't had her desexed yet. However, she's behaved like this at least 4 times within 3 months and this will last anywhere from 3-7 days and i thought cats are in heat only a few times a year. What is wrong with my little girl?

yes I would say that this is caused by being in heat. The meowing and raising of her behind are common signs of being in heat.

Many owners are surprised to learn that a cat can be in heat one week every three weeks between late winter or early spring for nine months or longer so.

At 8 months she is very much in danger of becoming pregnant if she is allowed outside, so now would be the time to have her spayed.

Please see this page for more information on this here

best wishes kate

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