My cat is acting funy :(

by Erica

My cat's meow has become very low and weak and faded. It's almost like she lost her voice. Sometimes she looks like shes throwing up but just clear liquid comes up. She is laying under my bed all day or she's in my closet or window sill. She is eatting very little, unless i'm right next to her and she is drinking VERY little water. I've very nervous. She is about 9 yeards old. My boyfriend volunteers at the humaine society and says it's just a cold but i'm looking for another opinion. Any suggestions as to what it might be?

Answer by KAte
well your boyfriend could be right a cold or cat flu can cause these symptoms. See here for more on cat flu

However the other possibility is a hairball

My advice would be to see how she is in a day or two and try to encourage her to drink some water. if her symptoms get worse or don't seem to be improving then I would recommend a trip to the vets to have her checked out.

best wishes and i hope she is better soon


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