My Cat is peeing blood.

by Carry
(New York)

My Cat got ran over yesterday,and his leg is broken.He is beging to walk a little.But he is also peeing blood.I need to find out what to ASAP.If there is any thing I can do at home please tell me.


Answer by Kate
A part from taking him to the vets as soon as possible, no there is nothing you can do for him at home. he may have internal injuries which needs urgent treatment.

Comments for My Cat is peeing blood.

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Good God...your cat...
by: Alissa

....obviously needed urgent medical attention especially after being "run over". Did a vet diagnose the broken leg or was that your guess ? Part of being a responsible pet owner is taking your pet to the vet in an emergency situation. If the cat's leg was broken as you say it may have needed to be properly set. Not doing so could lead to loss of circulation, infection, loss of the limb and loss of the cat's life, not to mention undue pain and suffering. And yes as Kate said peeing blood could definitely be a sign of internal injuries so going to the vet ASAP would have been the most important thing you could do for your cat. I hope you did go for your cat's sake and perhaps next time you will do so IMMEDIATELY.

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