my cat is sick he sleeps all day and wont eat

by Skyler Van De Kamp
(Taylorsville Ga USA)

My Cat Has Been Going To His Bed And Stays There All Day. He Wont Eat, Drink Or Go To His Liter Box, And His Box Is Right Next To His Bed! This Just Started! He Normally Plays, Eats And Drinks Just Fine! He's Alos Been Using Peeing In His Bed! He'll JustLa Right In It! PLEASE Someone Tell Me Whats Wrong? I Need Some Kind Of Clue!

Answer by Kate
Your cat is ill and the only way to help him is to take him to the vets urgently. All the symptoms you describe sound serious and the sooner you can some professional help the better.

Please don't try and guess what is wrong, find out from a professional vet who will be able to examine them properly.

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