my cat may be sick

by Brett
(Manvel, TX)

My cat coco's breasts are swollen, and she's been pooping and peeing on the floor. When she was younger she had an infection where her breasts became very pink and swollen doc gave her anti biotics and it cleared right up. Do you think this is cause for concern.

Yes, I think you should take your cat back to the vets again soon. Because she has had infections in the past in this area is very possible that this infection may have returned.

Also, been taking care of an abandoned cat who had a litter of 6 kittens. I tried to take her and the kittens to a no-kill shelter but they wouldn't take them. I now have my cat and three cats my neighbor abandoned and 6 more kittens. We can adopt one but need help here. We're not exactly well off. Thanks, B

Hi Unfortunately i am unable to help with this issue as I am based in the UK.
Check out my page with some American shelters on to see if there are others nearby that may be able to help.


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