My cat Molly has a terrible itch

by Laura

She scratches so hard she makes her neck bleed, don't see any sign of fleas, so why would she do this?

Answer by Kate
well there must be something causing a rather nasty itch for her to scratch so hard. Sometimes mites are difficult to see or she may have an allergic reaction to a collar or some other substance.

You really do need to take her to the vets so that he can do a thorough examination of the area. he may have to do some tests if the cause is not apparent, but at least this way you can get the problem sorted out properly.

My own cat used to be allergic to any form of collar, so we took it off and had her micro chipped.

the vet should be able to give you a proper diagnosis and if she does have some form of mite or allergic reaction they will be able to treat it and also give your cat to stop the terrible itching.

Hope the problem clears up soon

best wishes Kate

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