My Cat Monty

by Janny

Hi, my 1.5 y.o cat Monty was acting very weird lately. Like a week ago he started falling down, crying. He had a diarrhea with blood in it. Next day he refused to eat or drink anything, he was sleeping all day long. By the afternoon we noticed that he wasn't moving his tail at all and was crying when we tried to touch it. We took him to the vet,he examined him and said that he had an ingrown nail that needed to be cut,and prolly some kind of infection caused by this nail. They did x rays and blood work but found nothing. We got antibiotics and a pain medication for him but now he is eating but still has no balance. Falls over when walking, just sits in the litter box because I dont think he can crouch. He then began just using the bathroom on himself while laying down, not even realizing it. Please help!!!

Hi Janny
You need to telephone your vets again and tell them what is happening. As they are already taking care of him they need to know that his situation still has not improved and may in fact be getting worse.

They may need to take him in over night to observe his behavior and monitor him more closely but it really is the best thing to do.

I rally do hope he is better soon it must be so distressing for you all.

best wishes Kate

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