my cat Sweep... huge tummy but skin and bone everywhere else..

by Warren
(warwickshire, UK)

My cat is 10 years old and just lately her tummy has become huge, really swollen, but the rest of her is real skin and bone :( she is constantly hungry but has no energy and just lies down all the time.. Can you help please??

Answer by Kate
well i am not a vet but this definitely does not sound right. Could it be worms?

I really think you need to take her to the vets soon, her symptoms could be down to many health conditions and i would not like to try and second guess what it could be. But she must not be feeling great, so the sooner you can get her seen the better.

best wishes kate

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Your sick kitty
by: Anonymous

I'm not sure how old this post is, I'm sorry to hear about your kitty.It sounds like your kitty has ascites.It is a result of several conditions,unfortunately none are curable. I just lost my kitty to cancer. He was really bony,but his belly started to swell.He was retaining fluids. So sorry that your kitty is ill.

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