My Cat tigger is licking a lot after vet visit

by Angela Sherry
(West Springfield, MA, USA)

I have a 4 year old cat and a 3 year old cat named Smokey. We always take them to get soft paws on at the Vet. They usually come home and dont recognize each other( growling hissing, etc) for a week or two. Well this time it took 2 months for Tigger to be okay with Smokey. Tigger has now started defecating and urinating on our carpets and clothing. He is also licking his genitals. Do you think he caught something? DO you think he's sick?

It could be due to anxiety. Cats will over groom to try and comfort themselves if they are feeling stressed or uncertain.

I don't think your cat could have caught something at the vets as they are very hygiene conscious. however do check for flea dirts etc just in case.


Some cats do find the visits to the vets rather upsetting and this fear can be taken out on another cat, this is a common problem and is usually over a in a few days. however some cats need to be re introduced to each other if the problem is particularly difficult. Here is the process

If your cat is rather anxious then there are some sprays and herbal medications available to try and help your cat through a particularly stressful time. Please see my page here about nervous cats etc..

best wishes kate

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