My cat won't let anyone else touch him

by Ron
(Hinckley. OH)

Why is a 10yr old male cat tolerant and loving to me, but will not let ANYONE touch him, including going to the vet.

Bats hand away first then bites?

Behavior started after neutering, and unfortunately de-clawed front.

First behavior was he went limp when picking hem up...then, the no touching behavior from others. He and I are the only full time occupants here, and its semi-rural with not a lot of human contact as city living provides. Furthermore he will not take any medicine orally whether liquid or pill. Other than that, he has been a great companion to me, and I to him. Any insights other than obvious answers will be welcome.
Ron and Chester.

Answer by Kate
Well if the cat has been checked over by a vet and there are no signs that the cat is in pain when being touched we can assume it is purely a learned behavior.

All cats are different in their personalities just like we are and some cats are just more affectionate and trusting than others. Also how they were handled during the first 7 weeks of their life is important to how they are with people.

My sister had a cat who she got as a small kitten, he was a feral and terrible cat flu. he pulled through but for the rest of his life no one could get near him except for my sister who he adored. the vet was actually afraid of him.

It sounds to me like your cat may be similar and has a very close bond with you and no one else. This is unlikely to change.

best wishes Kate

Comments for My cat won't let anyone else touch him

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by: Trina

I love my cat very much. I do really wish though that she was a bit more friendlier to other people. She does let the vet touch her (just), because she knows once she has been to the vet she feels a lot better. My husband is allowed to touch her. She was a feral kitten and just came up to me. Her eyes were scabby, she had heaps of fleas and malnourished. You wouldn't think so now if you saw her. 8 years down the track and she is the most loyal friend.

Hissing cat
by: Anonymous

My cat hisses at everyone who comes into my house. He used to accept a treat & go to another room. But now even that will not work. He only likes me, my daughter & one woman friend.
After reading your assessment, I believe he does not want anyone else in his space except the 3 of us. He is getting worse. I do not punish him but have to use air spray to get him to run away from us as he is hissing & showing his teeth & swiping his paws. When it is just me & him... he is the most loving cat I have ever had. But I am a people person... so he will either get shut in a room or get sprayed.

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