My cats don't get along anymore!

by Sarah

I have a male and female cat who are both about 18 months and who have been living together for 14 months. About a week ago I brought my female to my boyfriend’s house and she was there for 24 hours. When I brought her home my male cat started hissing and they got into a fight. Ever since then she hides from him, she won’t eat because he attacks her, she won’t use the litter box because he attacks her, and I’ve tried a few different things. I have separated them, I have given them calming cat stuff and I have washed my female cat. My female cat now won't leave the top of my bureau. What should I do?

Answer by kate
This is a common issue and is known as aggression trauma. It is a complicated issue but basically because the female cat may smell slightly different after her trip or just the change in routine has made your male cat feel a little fearful and he blames this fear on the female cat.

You need to take your time to re introduce the two cats to each other again using this technique

It takes some time and effort but it is worth it in the end

best wishes Kate

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Time may not solve the problem
by: Anonymous

I have a cat experiencing "aggression trauma". He is so scared of my female cat and no matter how gently I try to reintroduce them after separation, he is still terrified of her.

For months now, I've had to keep them separated. Any time I spend time in one cats "area" the other cat cries because I am not near them. I move to be with the other cat then the other one will cry!

This is depressing for me and for my traumatized cat. I hate it and don't know what to do. I've tried Felliway, giving them tasty food at the same time while they can see eachother so they have positive associations with the other, separation... nothing works.

Maybe I should try anti-anxiety medication? *cry*

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