My cats old and she gets playful like shes going crazy

Ive had my cat for about seven to eight years and shes not a very playful cat, only when she was a kitten. I was wondering why all of a sudden and out of no where, she starts getting all playful and goes crazy, she would be all calm then the next minute shes jumping and running. Is she trying to get our attention? I give her all the attention she needs, when shes sitting on my lap i pet her and brush her and when shes just sitting on the table or chairs i pet her.

sometimes as cats get older they do become more affectionate. I don't know if your cat is 8 years or older but if she is older then sometime age related behavior can start to occur. Please see my page about some of these here

Yes it may just be that she is seeking more attention because she may suddenly feel a little less secure again this could be brought on my age.

It's always a good idea to take your cat at least once a year for a checkup at the vets especially as they get older. Sometimes we can miss the start of something which a vet would pick up on.

best wishes Kate

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