My Cat's Urine Problem

by Nessa G

is there a store bought medicine that you can give your cat to help it pass urine?

please help, i'm desperate for a cure!

Answer by Kate

If your cat is having trouble passing urine then it could be serious and only a vet will be able to help your cat. I really don't think there is anything you can buy at the shops.

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Feline Urinary Issues
by: Tammy

I just lost a cat due to ongoing issues with this . FIRST try to help him gently express himself in the litter box. If hes blocked you'll know, his blatter will be the size of a pear and very hard, gently push in a circular motion. If he is completly blocked thier is nothing you can do but get him to the Vet quick! As far as Medications go it's something you have to do forever and even then theirs no way to say it will be enough, for Ares is wasn't. I gave him
Uva Ursi Leave capsules 1 a day, not long term so I would cycle him on and off 1 month on, 1 month off. Cantharis 6x homeopathic bladder medicine, 1 pill crushed daily, Barberry root extract, 10 drops daily, Marshmellow root 1/2 pill once daily, Licorice root 1 pill daily not long term cycle on and off opposite the Uva Ursi. I feed it mixed with a raw food diet...NO DRY FOOD..NOT GOOD FOR FELINES WITH URINARY OR DIGESTIVE ISSUES. Go with the Vets Diet for this issue or Raw food mixed with MEDS. You likely will have to mix Vet diet with Raw till he is use to it. ALL THE MEDS I LISTED ARE WELL KNOW FOR THEIR NATURAL ANTIBIOTIC, ANTI-INFLAMMATORY, BLADDER, KIDNEY AND DIGESTIVE HELPING PROPERTIES. Good luck!

by: Anonymous

You must bring kitty to vet...could be a number of things. They alone can help.

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