My heart melting little fellow - Cat Photo contest April 2013

by Noorjahan

My little Poopy So lovely

My little Poopy So lovely

My first kitty was named Pippin .He was 7 months old when he had a car accident. It was on the 10th of July 2012.I was terribly affected and so my husband proposed to adopt one kitty from PAWS(Protection of Animals Welfare Society ) shelter two days later .I waited in the reception room hoping to get a little just like Pippin . Actually it was too hard for me to go and choose one myself. My heart was beating fast and finally he and the personnel came with two kitties. A black / white and creamy/white cute little balls of fur. They were both two months old.

One week later, Pipo (creamy/white) left us with a severe gastro infection. We did all that was possible to save him but failed. So I was left with Poopy (Black/white) whose health was not that good either.

Now begins a wonderful story with Poopy (nick name Poopoo)...Took him two to three days before he accustomed himself with his three doggy adult sisters. Gradually he recovered from his gastro infection and slowly became strong. One month later he became the man of the house. He started playing with his sisters and everything went fine. He prefers Cookie, the youngest one.

We've been through many stressful situations; mainly when he takes hours to return from his escapades. Whenever he is not at home, I start to search for him going to neighbors who I never met before! One day he did not show up in the morning; so my husband, a friend and I went to search for him in the neighborhoods (everyone at this instance was introduced to Poopy!!!!) but did not find him. At work I could not focus on whatever I was doing. Then I started to pray (thing I was not used to).I reached home about 16hrs in a distressful state. First thing was to resume the search...idea that my husband did not agree to, as he was continuously saying “If he is meant to return he will!!’’Something unexpected happened; I heard a faint meow .I was overwhelmed. However I was the only one who heard that. Everyone thought that it was only my imagination but deep inside, I knew that it was him. Seconds later I was peeping through the window, heard his cries even louder and within minutes I was under the neighbor’s bed trying to reach for Poopy. I was ecstatic. I took my little furry valentine in my arms and gave him so many kisses and tried hard not to cry before everyone. This was the day that we become inseparable in mind and heart. I love him so much.

Our first new year together was not an easy one with all the fireworks. We spend the festive holiday home as all was new for this
poor little baby.

One month after his mishap (episode when he was nowhere to be found during one whole day), he went for his usual check up to the vet. We narrated all the happenings, after which the vet advised us to get Poopy neutered. It took me a while to accept doing that to him. The vet carefully and patiently explained all the benefits out of it. So it was done and everything went very well. Even neutered he is so macho!

Poopy is very smart, affectionate and adorable. He is now 11 months old. He likes to hunt, especially house lizards and I actually give him a hand!! There is this strong bond between us .He adores cuddling up with me and always ends up sleeping in my arms .When I stroke him he purrs a lot and looks at me with so much tenderness. Difficult not to give him a kiss!

A typical day with Poopy:

At around six o’clock in the morning comes my heart warming little fellow with his unique meows. It’s time to get up!!First thing is to give him lot of kisses and then his meal. After twenty minutes or so, (playing with Cookie and me, searching for lizards in the usual spots around the house and me having my daily dose of lecture from my husband), my cutie mini panda (Poopy; as he is just like one) will then go roaming around. Most of the time he returns before I leave home and if not, I just call him and here he comes. Now it’s time to give him some shrimp .We both love this moment; for him because of the shrimp and for me for the way he grasps my hand and brings it up to his mouth...So particular and strong. In the afternoon, he waits for me to get home and I never fail to greet him with a big kiss (in reality it’s with many kisses) .To welcome me he meows so lovingly that all the stress of the day vanishes. After his meal he plays with me and as dusk approaches, off he goes wandering around in the neighborhood .Every time he is absent, I automatically start worrying .Since he started (three months old) to roam around; I wake up two to three times in the middle of the night to make sure that he’s alright.When he’s not in the yard, I nearly whisper his name, paying attention not to alert anyone!! Now I am used to it. Sometimes he comes for a quick nap in bed. As days passes by, we become closer and this complicity grows deeper. He is my little star...I’m blessed to have him .Love you Poopy, for me you will always be the most handsome of all. Big pussy kisses to you my Poopoo.

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