my kitten has fleas

by nikki

my 8 month old kitten is an indoor cat she has been outside only once or twice for only a minute or two. She has not had her injections yet. one day i noticed she was acting very stange she is walking around low on the floor and is scratching and rubbing herself on me and she also cries alot she has been doing this for two days now. we realised she might have fleas and checked we have seen she has fleas. but we do not know how she got them? how do we get rid of them from the house? it must have spread by now maybe to me and my cloths? how do we remove them from her?


Answer by KAte
Well you are right it doesn't take long for a cat to pick up fleas and if the cat is not treated monthly they can live on the fur and spread to the house.

My best advice is to ask you to read my web page about fleas it tells you everything you need to know here is the page

best wishes Kate

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