My neighbors male cats..........................

by Elizabeth
(Indiana, USA)

I am an animal lover but, all of my animals are part of our household where we feel they should be. My neighbor does not keep any of his pets in his house and now his male cats are spraying in our garage and on my front patio. I removed and threw out my rugs that were for feet and shoes before entering my clean house and have not replaced the rugs because if I keep buying rugs I will have to keep throwing them out until I get his cats to stop spraying them. Is there anything I can do other than trapping and taking his cats to the no kill shelter?

I have spoke to him and he refused to spend the money to get them neutered. My female cats are spayed so I do not think they are the cause of the spraying because they dont go into heat. I am frustrated and annoyed and embarassed!!!!!!!!!!

Answer by Kate
firstly let me dispel the myth that male cats won't come a calling for spayed females. They do and i should know as i have a very old female spayed cat who regulary receives visits from a tom cat who sprays every where, its just what they do i'm afraid.
Your neighbour is being very inconsiderate as his cats could be helping to increase the already over populated cat population and i wish people like this would not own cats.
I don't know what to suggest apart from spraying every where with strong lemon and water solution to try and deter the cats (they hate citrus smells).
Alos have you spoken to your local animal shelter to ask if they can do anything like speak to him for you of offer to neuter cheaply, animal shelters in different areas differ greatly in what they can offer. Apart from that i am afraid i am at a loss as to what else to suggest.

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