my new kitten is sucking on dogs nipples

hi there we just adopted a kitten a couple days ago and he is wonderful (name is Velcro). we already had a year old austraian sheperd (name pebbles) and wanted her to have company. well they love each other which is what we wanted but... velcro wont stop sucking on pebbles nipples. i understand it is normal for sucking to happen when kittens are taken away from momma to young but its just to wierd to watch him do that to her. pebbles just lays there and alows him to do it. you can tell in her face that she dosnt like it. she is such a gental dog that i dont think she would do anything to stop him. also she was just spayed about 2 weeks ago and i dont think that is a good situation ither.


Answer by Kate
As you say this is normal behavior for a kitten that has not been properly weaned.

My advice would be to try and discourage this by removing her from the nipple and try to distract her with some toys or perhaps a little amount of solid food on your finger.

I think as she gets older she will grow out of it as she become used to eating solid food but as you say if you can discourage it the sooner the better.

best wishes Kate

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