need urgent help now!!!! Cat is sick and no vets open till monday

by Gotham

My cat has fallen sick today morning

keeps rolling on the ground and does not stop.

It looks as if the cat might have come in contact with some bug spray which was use earlier in the house to keep off bugs.

Any tips as to what to do????
Urgent help is required.

Answer by \kate

If your cat has got spray on them try to wash it off with a damp cloth so that they cannot ingest any more.

Also try to get the cat to drink some milk mixed with water . the more they can drink the better as it may help to flush the poison from their system.

However apart from that only a vet or someone with medical training is needed. I don't know if in india there are special emergency animal care services. Please check, as a last resort you could telephone your hospital to see if they will advise anything. Sometimes some hospitals in an emergency will help.

I really hope your cat will get through until you can get them to a vet.

best wishes Kate

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Will do as you say
by: Gotham

Thanks Kate for your valuable suggestion, I will try that right now will keep updating about the status.
Its true that medical facilities for vets here in my hometown is bad. I did not know what else i could do, i could have never imagined in times like these internet could be my medium to get help. I am really glad you have a forum to help people.... Nice work.

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