new cat wont eat anything

by kaw

my mom just recently rescued a cat, who came from a nice loving home, but it's been at her house for three days now and hasn't eaten a thing. it is scared and hiding out most of the time, she lets it do what it wants so not to push it too far. but i am wondering how long the cat can go without eating until she should take it to the vet??

Answer by Kate
whenintroducing anew cat to a new home it is best to restrict it to aone room for a few days so that it can get used to a small space first and then gradually let it into other areas. tere is is also ways you can help the cat to build there confidence, can i recoomend that you read my page about bonding with a cat under the cat care area.
cats are smart and will not starve themselves if food is available unless they are ill, so leave your cat alone in a separate room with some food and he will eat, if he still does not then something medical could be wrong and you take him to the vets asap.
best wishes

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