by Maggie
Hi, our six month old kitten Lola is very small and dainty even by kitten standards. I got her at 12 weeks old and she was very timid and hid for most of the first week or so. Thereafter she only slept on my bed in the evenings and in the mornings, would not leave the room until I did. Now she's much more comfortable around the house, having the run of it, and sleeps mostly in my son's room. However, apart from the morning affection where she lets me pet her tummy, chin, etc., we cannot get close to her, she runs away, or wriggles if you try to pick her up to stroke. Forget sitting in your lap, that's a no-no. She will immediately jump off and sit on the carpet looking up at us. Sometimes it seems she's scared (?)She's very happy to be around us on the periphery and always sits/sleeps close by, but I wonder if she is unusual in not liking human contact? Thanks.
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