Odd behavior from my cat

by Dale

We have a apparently healthy cat who has never showed any strange behavior. This evening I was looking for our other kitty using flashlight under the bed, the kitty in question loves chasing the flashlight on the floor (lasers also), I knelt down to look under the bed and had to push her aside to stop her playing with the light.

A second later I hear a "deranged" meowing and found her in and almost paralyzed state absolutely "screaming", it was like she couldn't move. I was almost afraid to touch her fearing she would maybe bite me based on her state. I finally reached out and moved her a bit at which point she screamed again. A second later she "snapped" out of it and acted like nothing ever happened.

I am at a loss what this could have been.......

Any input would be appreciated


Answer by KAte
Hi dale, umm this is tricky and all I can think is that it may have been some sort of seizure. Now I dont want to alarm you as this is just a suggestion and is based only on what you have said, it is impossible for me to say for sure as I was not there and there may have been other things at play at the time.

If it happens again I would say that a trip to the vets would be in order in case there is something going on which needs treatment.

i hope she is Ok

best wishes Kate

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seizure ??
by: Dale

I was thinking the same but the way she was "instantly" back to normal does not sound like a typical seizure.......

Thank you for the insight and we will be keeping an eye on her....

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