old cat back home for holidays

by Maria
(Indian trail NC)

I'm stomped! My oldest daughter is home from school for the holidays. She brought her 3 year old cat,a cat that was raised and lived with us and the other 4 cats from birth until 3 1/2 months ago when my daughter left for school and took her along. Now it's like the cat's never lived here!..she constantly hisses at the other cats!..the other cats that she's known from birth and grew up together..what can we do to re-introduce "Fiona" back to her brother and sisters?? Thank you for your help

Answer by Kate
Hi, well I don't think cats are like us and perhaps she does remember them but for her things have moved on and now she sees them as a threat etc. (I don't think they are sentimental like us when it comes to other cats etc)

usually when you reintroduce cats it takes a period of a week or so to get them back used to each other, hopefully in your case it may be quicker due to their previous relationship.

The reintroduction process is described here

Take things slowly and calmly and hopefully they will at least rub along together until she has to go back with your daughter.

best wishes and a happy Christmas

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