Old Owner...

Recently my neighbor decided to get rid of her 9 yr. old cat. For the past week Kitty has tried to adapt. Everything has been working out pretty typically: She was scared and stayed under the bed, eventually came out, and now she lets me play with her. But yesterday the neighbor came to say hi to Kitty, and ever since then she has been meowing at the door.

So I was wondering if seeing the old owner may inhibit her growth to a new person and place and cause her too much stress; or if seeing the old owner is an okay thing to do that Kitty will have to get used to?

Answer by kate
this will be difficult full stop if the cats old home is still within the neighbour hood and if her old owner comes to see her. She must be very confused.
I hate to say that it would be better for the old neighbour not to see them but that sounds cruel.
I don't know if you intend to keep her inside all the time or not but either way i think that in this situation it will just take longer for the cat to adjust to there new home.
Don't worry cats are very resillient creatures, just like the rest of us some take longer to adjust to change. I'm sure all will be well in the end. Perhaps it might be an idea for the old owner not to visit for some time to give the cat a chance to adjust.

Comments for Old Owner...

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Tell old owner to go !
by: Max Power

This is sad... Look, if the old owner didn't want the cat and wanted to get rid of it then tell them to stay away. It's just confusing the cat making it think that it's in the wrong home with the wrong people.
If the old owner didn't want it, why do they want to visit ? People need to wake up, you shouldn't​ get rid of animals like they are Furniture because they become inconvenient!
When you take on the responsibility of an animal you take it on for life not for the time it's convenient.

Good To Know
by: Catman

I read the old Owner article and was pleased by the notion that "in time" the surrendered cat who was placed to a new owner will be fine...

I have 3 cats, one going on 8 yrs., with me and the other siblings, 2, have been with me for 4 and 3 years. I also take care of a feral who lives in my garage...

At some point, I may have to re-locate...and will not be able to take the cats! On one hand, this makes me very sad..on the other, they were all rescued..if I had not found and nurtured them as kits, they would have been put Down..so, my consolation, if I have to let them go, is that, in the end, I saved them...

My concern was that they would be an emotional wreck..but it does not seem to be in their nature..they are pretty tough..much more than dogs.

So, the article helped and I am grateful..

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