Operation Control and Rescue 100 Cats In Need

by Sabrina
(Coma Ruga, Spain)

kittens galore

kittens galore

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This site cannot verify this post but I will allow it to be posted here. I know there are many places around the world where cats are over populated and with no help.

For the last five years me and my husband have taken care as much as we could of the over grown and over growing cats population in our area: we have rescued the ill, fed the malnourished, adopted the homeless, sheltered the weak, and neutered, loved and relocated as many toms as we could. Unfortunately we have also "buried" a lot of unlucky felines, often newborns, who didn't make it into the winter. I only know how much we have spent in time and most of all in money trying to contain a situation which nonetheless is now out of control. We live in a residential area by the sea where most of the houses remain vacant outside the summer period; the cats population keep multiplying season after season; there is not enough food, the local authorities won't help to fix the situation and with an ongoing economic crisis families won't adopt kittens, most of all because it costs to neuter them. So far, we have neutered 37 cats at our expenses; currently we are sheltering and taking direct care of 15 adult cats and 27 newborns, some with their mom, some orphans and we spend 25 Euros a day or 9000 Euros a year just on food. But this is just the pick of the iceberg and the iceberg is growing bigger and bigger.

We need your help
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We have started a crowdfunding campaign on https://gogetfunding.com/operation-control-and-rescue-for-100-cats-in-need/ where you can also get more information. The reason why we are sharing our story here on Our Happy Cat is not as much for getting readers' donations as it is for bringing our struggles and attempts to do what local authorities should do (and don't) to the attention of as many people as possible, in the hope that some will help by further spreading the word about it. It's a time sensitive issue and if we fail we will have to leave a lot of beloved cats and kittens to their dark destiny, since the situation is getting beyond our financial possibilities.

Thank you all for reading, also on behalf of all our little guests.

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