Our momma cat has lost her voice!

Hi there, we have a mother cat whos kittens are about 6 weeks old. For about 3 days now she has lost her voice and only makes a very quiet croaking sound. Maybe its from fussing over the kitties but we just want to make sure. She also has a sort of lump underneath or by one of her teats in the lower abdomen. Its large enough that you can almost see a difference on the one side. I would have just assumed its her breast full of milk but with the two issues were a little concerned. Any insight would be greatly appreciated!


Well it is difficult to say whether or not the issues are related or not. I would guess not.

It could simply be a cold that your cat has and this has given her a sore throat. This is not unusual. However if it turns into cat flu (i don't know if you have her vaccinated or not against this) then it can be dangerous for her kittens.


As for the lump, well again it is difficult to say . There are conditions of the mammery glands such as mastitus which can cause lumps etc.

So I think if i were you i would err on the side of caution and take her to the vets for a complete check up, just in case. better to be safe than sorry and possibly effecting the kittens health too.

Hope all is well again soon

best wishes kate

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