
by Carla
(Toronto, Ontario, Canada)

Since this past Monday (it is now Thursday) my cat has been throwing up liquid, only a little at a time, and she has been doing it in the bedroom doorway, in the spare bedroom doorway, and then today in my shoe. She is eating, and using the litterbox, so I'm wondering if she is trying to prove a point or if we should try a new food? I've made an appointment with the vet for tomorrow but I'm thinking if it isn't medical then I'd rather not have to pay for their services. Any suggestions would be appreciated! Thanks.

Answer by Kate
Hi well i can't give a difinative answer as a vet would need to rule out any medical problems by examining her.
Is your cat prone to hairballs? If so then i find then when my cat is trying to get rid of one she sometimes vomits clear liquid a few days before hand.
Hopefully the vet will be able to rule out anything more serious.

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