Rehoming a cat

by Allison

We are considering rehoming a cat which is 1 year old and has never left its mother. Her owner has recently tried to rehome her but she was returned because she would not stop crying and was very stressed. The cat's mother is no longer friendly to its kitten which is why she needs to be rehomed. Can you advise us on the best way to adopt this cat into our family?

Answer from Kate
Hi is lkely that the kitten is crying not for its mother but due to the sarnge environement etc. Cats are naturally indeoendant cats and are adaptable. However some cats need more attention than others and so i think this cat just needs time to settle into its new home. Also the environment needs to be as stimulating and entertaining as possible to help the cat through this transition.

My advice would be to keep the cat in one room for the first week with their litter tray, bed and toys and for you to spend time with them every day. then after a week allow her access to the rest of the house.

Please see this page for some more tips on bonding with your cat

I really wouldn't worry about this cat not settling down, they will they may just need some time. the crying etc will ease as they start to feel more at home with you.

best wishes kate

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