Saving "Sam" - Cat Story

by Mary
(North Carolina, USA)

Handsome Sam

Handsome Sam

Sam is a lovely Grey Tabby male with alluring yellow eyes.

He is a young, spirited 3 years of age.
Sam was found by a elderly lady 3 years ago when he was wandering her apartment complex alone and separated from his mother at 3 weeks of age.
The kind lady took him in and nursed him by dropper and raised him as her very own companion. Sam has brought 3 years of happiness and companionship to this kind soul.

This past summer I got a call from a nurse who was taking care of this dear lady.
The nurse told me that this lady was in declining health and was being placed in a nursing home facility to live out her days and the facility did not allow pets.
The lady was stressing over what was going to happen to her precious "Sam".

They called me to help them find Sam a forever, loving, indoor home where he would never face being sent to the shelter.
I went to meet this lady and Sam.
The elderly lady was a sweetheart who had given Sam a wonderful start in life for 3 years. Sam had all the BEST of cat things.
The best dishes, the nicest litter tray , a wonderful comfy kitty bed with lamb skin padding and lets not forget all the best in kitty toys and food.
Sam was a prince in her eyes and she was "momma" in his eyes.
They was a team, close knit and forever together.
He was always at her feet.

The day I visited them, she wept over having to give her Sam away.
"Who will love him like I do" she kept asking me.
How will I make him understand why I cannot take him with me?
How can I be sure he will never be taken to the shelter and put down?
She wept openly and I wept with her just seeing the pain it caused her to let her Sam,go from her life.

I promised her that I am a FIRM advocate of lifelong FOREVER homes for cats and that the shelter is NEVER an option with me.
I assured her that I never place a cat in adoptive homes who cannot assure me that this is how they also believe.

She and I gathered all of Sam's things and I allowed her and Sam to say their good-byes and I placed him in his carrier and in my car. I took her phone number where she was going to be placed and promised her regular updates on Sam.

On the drive to my home Sam amazed me. Most cats HATE a car ride. They cry and meow loudly. Sam was different. He rode quietly ,like the prince that he was and is.

Once I got him home, I placed his information in my database and placed him up for adoption but with strict guidelines.
Everyone who viewed him loved his sweet face and those lovely yellow eyes.
wanted to adopt him.
First family wanted him but wanted him to be an outdoor kitty.
Strike one!!!!

I made this lady a promise and I made one to Sam that he would continue to have a home life close to what he had been raised in.
Second family had all the components of a wonderful home for Sam but then they said " Do you know where we could have him de-clawed"?
Strike two!!!

Under no circumstances would I allow that as I am a FIRM believer that to de-claw is a terrible, painful and un-necessary procedure that some cats never recover fully from.

Third family had large dogs, Sam had never been around dogs, I was worried he would not adjust. Ok, yes I am possibly too strict in placing my adoptive kittys but in my opinion, RESCUE is what it is and I don't take them and place them where I am not absolutely sure they will have a good life.
So guess what? If your use to reading my stories here then you know that I probably KEPT HIM FOR MYSELF!!!

You're right. I kept him and he has been here for several months now.
Last week, we lost our 13 year old Salem Louise and we all was devastated and Sam showed typical signs of loss too. He was one of the few cats here that Salem tolerated and losing her affected him.
Two days after her death Sam appeared to be feeling poorly.

His litter box had little to no urine in it and his appetite was not good.
I feared he had bladder crystals and was blocked.
Off to the vet to be checked and my fears was confirmed.

Sam was blocked and the vet confirmed that it was a very extensive blockage.
Sam spent 5 days in the Vet hospital with IV fluids and A sutured in catheter and we bought him home this past Friday.

He is on a lifetime diet now of prescription food for cats who are prone to this problem but he is doing great.
His hospital bill hit me for a whopping $850.00 which blew out my bank account but you know what? He is a part of this family. We do what we must to save family.

I'm not sure if an adoptive family would have been able or willing to pay this kind of fee for a cat recently adopted.
So I am confident that keeping Sam was the right thing to do.

I rescued him and took him in and saved him from possibly dying of bladder blockage. It had to be done without question.
As a result, our Sam is alive and well and life is good for us all again.

We love ya, Sam

Mary in NC USA

Jan 18, 2010
by: Anonymous

God bless you Mary.You are a amazing woman and thank God for you!@ Kitties all over are happy you are here!!!!!!!!!!! so from the bottom of my heart I say,thanks!


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