Semi Feral One Year Old Cat

We are about to adopt a semi feral cat from the cat protection league. She has been there since August last year. She is very timid and still appears very scared when humans are about. What can we expect and what's the best way to make her feel as comfortable as possible in the shortest period?

Answer from Kate
Well I think you can ecpect a cat that will always be a little more nervous and timid than a normal cat. However given time and lots of TLC can still become a very good family pet. My sister took in a feral cat and although he remained semi feral all his life and no one other then the direct family could get anywhere near him, to my sister he was a great pet who would sit on her lap and love a cuddle.

Dont expect this cat to settle in quickly, she will need time. I have a page about how to bond with your cat which you may find of further help

best wishes kate

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