Sick Kitty since his brother died

by Krista
(Ontario, Canada)

I had 2 cats that were brothers (13 years old). We just had to have one put down a few weeks ago. Since yesterday my other cat seems to be ill. He has thrown up a little the last couple of days and he's been sleeping most of the time. He does not go downstairs to urinate in his litter box. He has also been drooling a little too. Can you possiblly tell me what might be wrong with him?

Answer by Kate
Cats can grieve for other animals when they are no longer around and this can often lead to a sad dispondant cat for a while. But bwhat you have described worries me and i have not heard of such extreme symtoms. please take them to the vets to be checked over. It may be that he has eaten something poisonous.
It is much better to make sure your cat is not physically sick than to be sorry at a leter stage.
if they get the all clear from the vet then perhaps he is just missing the other pet. In which case time and lots of attention and games from you will help him through it.

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by: Rb

Been through this several times, most recently with twin brothers, one died suddenly (hypertrophic heart disease),Bello, surviving brother displayed familiar grieving symptoms,after a couple months and lots of attention, when we thought he was improving we replaced Bello's brother Bo with another kitten Hobo and he absolutely brought Bello back to himself, over a couple months time. Absolutely have him checked out,if all is clear give him time and attention, he will recover. (Bello and Bo are Ragdolls and were 14 months when Bo passed).

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