Sick Wheezing cat

by Dustin Oldham
(North Adams Mass)

My cat Tuffy has been sneezing, coughing, weezing, and his eyes are watery. When hes having a hard time breathing he flops himself around. When i pet him, he feels crackely under his skin. I dont know what this could be but hes obviosly sick, I just dont have the money this exact minute to get him to a vet. Do you know what this could be? Has anyone had a pet do all these symptoms at the same time?

Obviously it is impossible to know exactly what this could be without a vet seeking him. However it does sound like he has a very nasty chest infection which may need antibiotic treatment.

Of course it may be cat flu in which case there is not much you can do other than make sure he is kept warm and hydrated. See my page for more on this here
However if there is a way for you to get him to see a vet sooner rather than later it would be his best option. Lung infections can be very nasty if left untreated.

I hope he is better soon

Best wishes kate

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