six month old cat gone missing

by lisamarie Deblasio

we had our male cat since he was 6 weeks old he is a lovely friendly and affectionate cat who followed me around the house.

he just started going out about 2 weeks ago (he is 6 months old) he never strayed far away but 2 days ago he cried to go out in the evening and we let him out. that was the last we saw of him.

Is this usual for a cat to just run away when he was quite attached to us?
Is it more likely that he has been hit by a car or taken by someone? and do you think we let him out 2 young. We were also wondering if he would go after a female at that age.
thank you

No 6 months is not too early to let him out but at his age he is now moving into adulthood and will start to look for females which could explain his disappearance.

It is recommned that cats are neutered after 4 months old.

It is not unusual for cats to do a disappearing act especially when not neutered. Give him time and I#m sure he will come home. Keep calling him and leaving some food outside for him.

You could also start to ask neighbors to check their sheds etc in case he has got looked in.

I'm sure he will be home soon and when he does you do need to consider having him neutered before he causes more unwanted kittens in the area.

best wishes Kate

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