Small black crusty scabs on my cat's chin that are spreading


Thank you for your help. My 2 year old cat, Angel, has been with us for 9 months. We got her from the shelter. She is a
mother and had a litter of six before we met her. I have been
treating her for ear mites, but last week noticed a black crusty
spot on her chin below the mouth. I thought it was a tick and
pulled it off. That area was pink for a while, but now I notice
that more of there little crusty black scabs are spreading on her chin. Any advice is most appreciated.

Answer by Kate
sounds to me like she has a little cut on her chin which scabbed over. The black thing was the scab and when you pulled it off it revealed the new shin underneath.

Often after a cat gets cuts etc the skin heals and the scar tissue which replaces the wound is often black in colour. So it may well be that scar tisue is forming on her chin.

Keep an eye on her and if you notice any other signs of ill health then take her to the vets. However I feel that this is probably nothing to worry about as long as you are treating her for parasites on a monthly basis, she should be fine.

best wishes Kate

Comments for Small black crusty scabs on my cat's chin that are spreading

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small black crusty scabs on cats chin
by: Sue

My cat 3 years of age.. Also from a shelter has black scabs I have treated with Neosporen and goes away. But always comes back after a while. He is strictly an indoor cat. Also he has been getting these scabs for the last 3 years I have had him. Thank you for your help.

Black scabs on chin
by: Anonymous

My cat is old now but has a black mark under his chin which is painful to touch.also the black area sometimes gets crusty.he seems quite happy eats well but does not like his chin touched.any ideas on this one?

Its Ring Worm
by: Anonymous

This ishow ring worm is on animals and if you have a black light put cat under it and if it glows its for sure ring worm.. Don't pick at it as it will spread faster. You need anti fungal cream that you can get at walmart etc and use it on spots 3 times dailey until gone.. I had the same problem and it went away after treating

This is what the spots are you seen growing
by: Cat owner with Experience

From my own experience with same problem I found out that my cat got ring worm which looks exactly as you described. The best thing to do is not pull the scab but get some topical ointment at your local pharmacy that kills ringworm. It will be over the counter so no prescription is needed, I did this as my kitten had it spotting all over. I also had a black light which will defiantly let you know if it is indeed ring worm which is a fungus and easily treatable. By putting the cat under a black light you will see the spot glow fluorescent green and that is the sign for ring worm... You put the cream on every spot 3 times a day and after about 5 days you should notice it curing

little black spots
by: Anonymous

My cat had black spots under her chin and the vet said, not to pick them because they may spread. They were cat acne and went away with time.

Feline Acne?
by: Anonymous

It might be feline acne. Check out tips online for reducing it.

Parasite Treatment
by: Karen

Thank you for your help. That makes sense about the black skin. What do you recommend for a monthly parasite treatment? I love your website!
Blessings, Karen

We use a monthly flea spot on treatment which also protects from some forms of worms.

the best type is only available from the vet but their others available for sale over the counter, things like frontline etc.

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